Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2019, Vol 36, Num, 1 (Pages: 33-40)
Determination of the utilization potentials of some olive cultivars as seedling rootstock
2 Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, İzmir DOI : 10.16882/derim.2019.486446 Viewed : 2401 - Downloaded : 1255 In Turkey, registered seedling rootstocks used for olive nursery tree production have been obtained from the seeds of olive cultivars like Frantoio, Leccio, Arbequina, Girit Zeytini and Uslu. In this work, determination of new seedling rootstock candidates with more superior features from the olive varieties belonging to different regions of Turkey was aimed. For this purpose, at first the most efficient scarification method on stone germination was investigated. At the second stage of the study, the obtained seedlings were grafted with Domat variety and the grafting success was determined. Chemical scarification treatments augmented the germination of olive stones ranging between 10% and 33% compared with control. The treatment of 3% NaOH generally increased the germination rates, while the pure H₂SO₄ decreased the germination. Germination rates changed between 5.8-76.4% in relation with variety and treatment. It was determined that some tested varieties like Çekişte, Edincik Su and Yağ Celebi also germinated at sufficient rates, besides the registered rootstocks. Graft-take rates were low in some varieties having high stone germination rates. The highest graft-take (70%) was determined in Marantelli seedlings, while the lowest rate (23.3%) was obtained in Yağ Çelebi. The longest shoot was measured in Girit Zeytini (43.4 cm). In relation with the lower graft shoot values (25.1-27.4 cm) particularly determined in Gemlik, Sarı Ulak and Sinop no 1, it was concluded they might provide dwarfing effect at a certain rate in varieties that grafted on to them. Keywords : Olive; Cultivar; Stone; Germination; Grafting