Horticultural Studies (HortiS) 2006, Vol 23, Num, 1     (Pages: 40-53)


Sedat ÇITAK 1 ,Sahriye SÖNMEZ 1 ,Filiz ÖKTÜREN 1

1 Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Toprak Bölümü, Antalya Viewed : 1982 - Downloaded : 1124 The amounts of plant harvest waste and agricultural industry waste have increased year by year both in the world and our country with the increasing of agricultural production. These plant origin wastes have an important potential, they include plant nutrient element as well as they are important organic matter source. These wastes are especially the important organic matter source for our country soils that are poor by organic matter. Also a benefit has been attained from these wastes as a growing media with proper mixture nowadays. Knowing the properties of these used wastes increases the rate of achievement in agricultural production. These plant origin wastes are seen as an alternative of peat that is used in large amounts in the world and our country and whose sources are diminishing gradually in the world, and the possibilities of their usage in place of peat are searched. In this review, it is tried to evaluate the properties of plant harvest and agricultural industry wastes that are burnt and caused environmental pollution both in the world and our country, and the usage possibilities in agriculture and the usage chance of them in stead of peat. Keywords : Plant waste, Agricultural industry waste, Growing media, Organic matter, Peat