Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2018, Vol 35, Num, 1 (Pages: 11-18)
Changes in fruit quality during storage of different brown tomato varieties grown in greenhouse soilless culture
Fatih ŞEN 1 ,Rüştü Efe OKŞAR 1 ,Ayşe GÜL 1
1 Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, İzmir
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The brown (Kumato) tomato is distinguished by its distinctive 'brown' appearance and sweet aroma, unlike the
usual red tomatoes. In this study, quality changes of KM8367, KM8034 and KM1210 Kumato tomato cultivars
grown in the plastic greenhouse by soilless culture method were investigated during storage. Tomato fruits
harvested at commercial maturity stage were stored in cardboard boxes at 7°C and 85-90% relative humidity for
21 days. Some physical, chemical and biochemical analyses were carried out at the beginning of storage and 7
days intervals during storage period. During storage, fruit weight, width and height in KM8367, total soluble solids,
total phenol amount and antioxidant activity in KM1210 were found high, and fruit firmness and TA amounts in
KM8034 variety were found low. Changes in color values (C*, h°) of Kumato tomato varieties were similar during
storage. It was determined that the effect of storage time on quality parameters of Kumato tomato fruits was
limited. These varieties have been shown to protect marketable qualities at the end of 21 days of storage.
Keywords :
Physico-chemical properties; Kumato tomato; Storage; Greenhouse