Horticultural Studies (HortiS) 2018, Vol 35, Num, 2     (Pages: 96-110)

Determination of some physical and chemical changes of fruits of Edranol, Ettinger and Wurtz avocado varieties during harvest periods

Süleyman BAYRAM 1 ,Seyla TEPE 1

1 Batı Akdeniz Tarıms al Araş tırm a Ens titüs ü, Antalya DOI : 10.16882/ derim.2018.339252 Viewed : 2375 - Downloaded : 1295 Avocado cultivation is becoming widespread every year in the Mediterranean region due to its high market potential in Turkey. Market value of the avocado is influenced by harvest maturity of fruit and the ripening process in post-harvest. Due to climacteric property, determination of maturity criteria in the different ecological conditions is essential. Therefore, fruit samples of Edranol, Ettinger and Wurtz varieties, were taken at 15 -20 days ` intervals from october and analyzed during the harvesting and ripening period. In the describing of the fruit maturity index of each variety, the dry weight and oil content of the fruit flesh give the most reliable results. In cases where these index values are inadequate, other postharvest analyzes (taste, fruit firmness and fruit weight loss) can be used to determine maturity. In the study; early harvest time was determined as from mid-october to early january for Edranol, during october for Ettinger and mid-october to mid-january for Wurtz. The optimum harvest was determined as from the beginning of january to the end of april for Edranol, from early november to mid -january for Ettinger and from mid-january to late april for Wurtz. The late harvest was determined for Edranol throughout May, for Ettinger from mid-January to mid-february, and for Wurtz from may to early june. Keywords : Avocado; Cultivars; Harvest; Fruit; Maturity; Index